Love them or hate them, you can’t deny that Towards An End definitely made an impact on the NorCal scene. Considered by many to be years ahead of their time, TAE played tremendously catchy pop punk (a phrase and genre I’ve since come to hate) that was equally influenced by bands like Shelter, H2O and early-Get Up Kids.
Formed in “the valley” around late 1997/early 1998, Towards An End featured ex-members of Straight Edge band Rely who had just broken up around the time. The band released two demo’s before they put this cd ep out on Give Me Strength Records (now defunct) in early 1999. They released a 7” on Lookout Records right before they broke up in 2000. “Chance Of A Lifetime” is probably my favorite release from this band, I would definitely recommend it to fans of late 90’s pop punk (early -Saves The Day, early-Get Up Kids, etc.) so if that's your thing, check it out.
Oh no, this file no longer exists :( I just found a poster I picked up in high school and remembered how much I liked this album.